In 2012, I went on my first overseas mission trip to Cambodia with a group from my church. Leading up to the trip, I was excited because I had never been that far. I’m just an average Joe from Hanford, CA. I shouldn’t have any business in a foreign land halfway across the world, preaching the gospel and ministering to impoverished people. I felt lucky and honored. 

That excitement quickly faded a few days into our trip when I got pretty sick. If you’ve ever traveled to a third-world country, you know the risk of accidentally eating the wrong thing. Well, I was that guy. As my body was emptied over the next two days, you can imagine that my attitude wasn’t in tip-top shape. But I was there, and I was doing my best. 

One evening, while preparing to share with the staff and children at an orphanage we were visiting, I came across a passage in the book of Psalms. 

Psalm 73: The song starts with, “God is good to those who are pure in heart, but as for me, my feet almost slipped.”

This got my attention because I felt like I was slipping. I came to this country to do the Lord’s work and now this was happening to me! 

The Psalmist goes on to complain about people who don’t serve the Lord and have it easy and how those who do serve the Lord seem to get hit on every side. 

Now, the lyricist really had my attention because I agreed with him and couldn’t wait for the conclusion! Then, verses 16 and 17 hit me like a ton of bricks. “When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply, till I entered the sanctuary of God, then I understood…”

I was instantly reminded that my earthly perspective wasn’t the correct one and that the only way for me to find peace within was to enter God’s presence. So, I turned on some worship music and just began worshipping God. And you know what? The verses came to life while I worshipped the Lord. I entered His sanctuary, and my perspective switched. I began to feel honored that I got to suffer for the gospel. 

Isn’t that how we all get? We are excited about life, and then life’s curve balls come out of nowhere and leave us questioning God.

Your “why” questions won’t settle your heart even if they get answered. 

The only thing that will give you strength for tomorrow, and hope for the future, is the presence of God. Worship Him honestly and watch how He fills your eyes and heart with His heavenly perspective. 

If you need help getting in His presence, join us at Koinonia Church. We’d love to pray for you. 


Pastor Chad 

Chad Fagundes is Men’s and Outreach Pastor at Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. He can be reached at or 559-582-1528