One week, I was facing a number of deadlines and tasks. My schedule is always full, but always manageable. This particular week, for some reason, seemed unmanageable. The tasks seemed insurmountable and I allowed myself to become overwhelmed by it. My “go to” response emotion is usually anger. Well, this time it reared its ugly head as grouchiness. Yes, I became Snow White’s dwarf, Grumpy. It wasn’t obvious outwardly but it was all over me on the inside. 

When I say I allowed myself to become overwhelmed by it, it means that I, as a long-time Christian woman, know better. I know Who to turn to with all of my struggles. I often pray for supernatural productivity that can only come from my King. So, I literally allowed myself to wallow in the emotion of grouchiness. 

Fast forward to the next day and I am scheduled to prepare a devotional moment for our staff meeting. I keep a running note on my phone of Bible verses, ideas and concepts that catch my attention. I use these as launching points to write an article, share a devotion, or teach in some way. I opened my Notes app and found Isaiah 26:3-4. 

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

I said to God, “I see what You did there.” He sent me a reminder that I needed for that moment and one I was able to share with my co-workers. 

Perfect peace…

  • Is possible here and now
  • Does not mean a perfect life without struggles and challenges
  • Is about internal peace
  • Is always available from our everlasting rock, Jesus
  • Is WHEN we remember God

We are to be “steadfast of mind” which means our mind is fixed on something. How often is our mind fixed on ‘the thing’ we’re challenged by instead of God? God defines reality and the outcomes, not the other way around. Why would I not focus on Him? 

What’s on your mind? What’s ‘the thing’ that you’re focused on or challenged by? 

Let’s ask ourselves when facing issues – big and small…

  1. How deep is my trust?
  2. How steadfast is my mind on the Lord?

Perfect peace comes when we remember God. Thanks for the timely reminder, God!

Sylvia Gaston is Connections Pastor at Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. She can be reached at or 559-582-1528.