John 4:14 says, “…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

This is a scripture of hope. The idea is that what we’ve done to this point has sustained us in the natural, so that we will not die. This scripture speaks of the hope of being sustained in our very soul, past death, into eternal life. This is the fulfillment of prophecy to the people of that time. It also marks the beginning of a great ministry by our Lord and Savior Jesus, who ultimately would give His life for us.

I got to see the water of Jesus’ eternal wellspring touch the life of someone. Last summer, I had the opportunity to travel to the United Kingdom. I was able to visit a great ministry, Betel UK, that helps people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. They help them rehabilitate and find their way back. The method they use is the love and guidance of Christ. This last June, I was able to return to Betel UK and it was such an amazing opportunity to see some of the fruit of what began last year. One particular story stood out to me and touched me in a way that often brings me to tears. 

A man came into the program while I was there. I only saw him for a day because we were traveling to another site. However, I remember his first night. I was speaking with one of the leaders when someone entered with the report on the “new guy”. They said he was not doing well, going through withdrawal, and was very emotional. It was truly a rough night for this man. The leader said, “Make some tea and we will go and sit with him and help him through this process.” We left the next morning. 

We returned two days later. We saw the man was still struggling, but he was in the process and going through the steps. The day we left for home he was still working hard, but we could tell it was rough. 

This June, when I went back, I didn’t know what I would find. I remember praying that he would endure and be able to continue through the program. What I saw was amazing and nothing short of miraculous. The man was almost unrecognizable – full of purpose and joy in God. He’s not a very emotional man, but a hard worker and loves everyone around him very much. I was so happy, but something else was about to take place. 

We happened to be there on a day when families were invited to come and visit. To the glory of God, I witnessed this man with his entire family! His wife and two boys were there to visit. I can’t imagine what the whole family had gone through up to this point, but God was faithful and they were restored! I watched as he sat to play chess with his oldest son. He and his youngest son jumped into a game of cricket. His wife was there being supportive and it was easy to see her joy. I was wrecked by the love that I saw from God to this family. I wasn’t able to talk much. I sat and watched the day unfold from a distance. It was a joyful moment and a joyful day, as many days are at Betel. I cannot express how beautiful this was. 

How faithful our God is! This man drank from the well, and his eternity is assured, but also his soul has been transformed. God changed his life and the lives of his family. This man need never thirst again. Praise the Lord!

If you haven’t experienced the life-changing water that comes from following Jesus, visit a church near you and learn how your life, and the lives of those around you, can be transformed.

Rene Solis is Director of Koinonia School of Ministry, a ministry of Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. He can be reached at or by calling 559-582-1528.