As a family, we have acquired some favorite places to eat and share a meal together. If you were to ask my children their favorite spot, it would certainly be an embarrassing response pointing towards a fast-food place with coveted grease and some sort of toy for their patronage. Even at the best restaurants, my daughter orders chicken strips and fries! So, I suppose fast food will remain a favorite for a few more years. 

For my husband and me, we typically prefer something with good food and efficient customer service. When considering where to go for a special occasion, we aim for ambiance and we truly enjoy quality hospitality. More often, it’s the ambiance and hospitality, rather than the meal itself, that will determine if we return!

I feel like this is so true of the gospel itself. It’s not always the gospel that non-Christians are rejecting. Very often, it’s how it’s delivered and carried by us…by the church…by Christians. How important is it, in reaching people who absolutely need a savior, that we do a good job of ensuring they can receive the bread of life? 

We are not the ones who save. Jesus is! 100%! BUT, we are used by Jesus to spread His story. We are asked to be the ‘light of the world’ and ‘the salt of the earth’ (Matthew 5:13-16). This is an important partnership that God didn’t make a mistake on. He didn’t choose us because we are perfect. We are chosen because, by doing so, it will grow us up! We are not to think only of ourselves. When we come into the Family of God, the design says we should be interested in taking care of, and growing, that family. 

I do not want to take on the weight of salvation, but I want to take on the weight of partnership! Do not discount your involvement in God’s kingdom being advanced. There are a few ways that we can be postured to serve well. Like a good waiter, we can pay attention to those we are serving.

In the best restaurants, I can often look around and make eye contact and my server understands that I have a need. It’s usually easy. Like a good server, we can create an environment that is welcoming. Do people feel good about being in your home? In your church? In your presence? This is helpful when trying to share the good news! Like a good server, we can present the best options for the people we are being a witness to.

The kingdom of God is available and should be shared. When someone in your circle of influence is hurting, or in need, or even celebrating, are they able to hear about Who’s available to them? Are you ever speaking directly about the source of your strength, joy, and peace? Let people know what’s so special about being a Christian. Why do you do it? Your story is a gift for your call to share!

Here’s my prayer for us today: Lord, help us shine brightly! Help us to not cause a person to stumble away from You due to our fumbling the story of salvation. If we do stumble, Lord, will you cover us and our shortcomings? I want to please you, serve you, and advance your Kingdom today. Will you give us an opportunity, help us see it, and help us be effective as we take steps forward in reaching others? In Jesus name, Amen!

Candace Cortez is Executive Pastor at Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. She can be reached at or 559-582-1528.