There are many things that reveal both the nature of God and the nature of His intentions for us. While we are made in His likeness, we are not in a position to assume God is like US. God is unending in power, knowledge, wisdom and love. His presence is everywhere and His authority knows no bounds. This is great news. We, on the other hand…have some limitations.

One of the statements I regularly make to encourage people and myself is that we are made on purpose for a purpose. This reminds me that I’m made by an intentional God who has plans for each of us. Part of that created reality is the need to be involved and the reality of limitations. We are created to DO something but we are not created able to do everything. There’s a balance here. Sometimes, we get out of balance on either side of this reality. Some do not assume enough involvement in the grand plan of their existence. Some assume too much responsibility and never enjoy the rest God intended for us. We see both of these in Genesis 1 and 2.

Genesis 1:28 tells us, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” 

There is work to do! And this work was assigned before the entrance of sin and the fall of man which means work is a part of the perfected plans of the Lord. He wants us to build, create, and foster growth and development. This is part of our created intention and part of how we get to worship. We worship while we rule over whatever God has given us influence over. Just a few verses later we read, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done”. (Gen 2:2-3)

God demonstrates the rhythm of rest here. This rest is for us and not a demonstration of the Lord’s need to pause in work. We are the ones that are in need of a break, not God! What a gracious leader He is for establishing this. He knew we would deal with assuming our value based on work. He wanted to make sure there was a way to not only be restored, but also a way to be reminded about who is really in charge. Not us. As mighty and creative and effective as we may be, the real one who keeps the earth spinning is God. 

As Christians, how we work and how we rest should tie into our faith just as much as how we pray and treat others. Here are a few benchmarks in both areas that will help us stay on track instead of looking like the rest of the world.

In Work:

  1. We take care of ourselves, others, and the planet!
  2. We work with the Holy Spirit with us at all times, giving us access to His ideas as well as His gifts (hopefully we are working with the fruits of the Spirit as well!).
  3. We work faithfully! Like the story of Joseph, who worked so faithfully we was elevated from slave to second in command of Egypt, we should work according to who is ultimately in charge of us, rather than for the one who signs our paychecks (Gen 41:43).

In Rest:

  1. Do I have a healthy rhythm of rest? Or do I work until I crash? God demonstrated a rhythm of six days of work with one day of worship and rest as a norm. Where are you in that rhythm?
  2. Remember, scripture teaches that the weekly rest period called the ‘sabbath’ is for us! We are not created for the sabbath! We do not need to be a slave to it! And it should be a blessing: an intentional pause in regular work to recharge. What do you need to add to your rest day to actually recharge? If you can’t do a day, do a chunk of hours regularly!
  3. To rest well you may need to do the following four steps:
    1. top- Stop something-scrolling, working, worrying or planning
    2. Rest- Actually allow your mind and body to take a break!
    3. Delight- What do you actually enjoy doing that helps you feel connected to God and your community?
    4. Contemplate- Your day of rest is a great time to pause and consider life, how you are doing, and your next steps to grow. Actually look and take stock of your life regularly. This will help you stay grateful and help you stay on track to grow!

Remember, you are made on purpose for a purpose. There is work to do, and to do that work for the long haul, we must follow the example of Jesus to work AND rest. Both are worship to our Heavenly Father!

Candace Cortez is Executive Pastor at Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. She can be reached at or 559-582-1528.