Recently, I had the opportunity to take a trip to Veracruz, Mexico—a place that holds deep significance for me as it is where I was born. It had been many years since I left for the United States as a seven-year-old child, and returning after all this time brought a flood of memories. The town was just as I remembered it: my favorite snack shops were still in their familiar spots, and the beach was just a short walk from my grandmother’s house. 

When I was younger, I thought her house was the most magnificent place in the world. I remember running through its rooms, feeling like I lived in a mansion. But visiting as an adult made me realize just how humble those beginnings were. The house, much smaller than I remembered, had a simple metal roof with small gaps that allowed beams of sunlight to peek through. Yet, there was a beauty in that simplicity—a reminder of the modest life I once knew.

During my visit, I saw children on the streets selling snacks during school hours. It was heart-wrenching at first, seeing them work instead of playing and enjoying the carefree moments of childhood. But then I remembered my own childhood. My mother used to bake bread and make popsicles, and my sister and I would go out to sell them in town. It didn’t feel burdensome then—it felt like just another chore. Now, as I reflect on it, I see how those experiences shaped me. 

Throughout my trip, I couldn’t help but think over and over again, “Thank you, Lord.” I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and a deepened awareness of God’s goodness and purpose in my life. Even in the most challenging times, God’s hand has always been at work. Sometimes we may find ourselves in the midst of struggles or feeling hopeless, but our God is present in those moments, working toward a greater purpose.

Looking back, I never could have imagined that I would be where I am today, serving God in ways I never thought possible, yet knowing He has more for me. My journey from Veracruz to the life I lead now hasn’t been without difficulty. 

I’m reminded of Joseph’s journey from the pit to the palace (Genesis 37-41). How Joseph went from humble beginnings, working in his father’s fields to being sold into slavery by his angry brothers. How God was with him in his journey from a prison cell to becoming second in command in the king’s palace. During his years of hardship, he never lost faith in God. AND God remained faithful to him through it all!

There were times in my childhood that I battled feelings of inadequacy and self-worthlessness. But even in those low moments, I can now see how God was shaping and molding me for His purpose.

If you find yourself in a tough situation today, I encourage you…don’t give up! Even when the path seems unclear or you feel there’s no way out, trust that God is working behind the scenes. He is faithful, and He has something better for you. 

I pray that the Lord gives you the strength to keep going, no matter what challenges come your way. This, too, shall pass.

Maria Kisekka is Children’s Director at Koinonia Church in Hanford, CA. She can be reached at or at 559-582-1528.