Parents…Instill Faith!

This is my first time writing an article for a newspaper and to be honest, it’s terrifying. The direction I was given was to write about something that the Lord has put on my heart, done in my life, or something that I am praying about. Seems easy enough especially considering I am someone who prays her way through her whole day. 

I am constantly praying…

  • thanking Him for waking me up for another day
  • for protection of my family
  • repenting for the words coming out of my mouth as I am stopped for fifteen minutes waiting for a train on my way to school drop off. 

I’m praying a lot. 

I thought I would be bursting with ideas for an article. But suddenly, when it came time to write, my mind was blank and there was just nothing there. I starting to think about which excuse I could use as to why I couldn’t write my article this week.

In the car with my 10-year-old daughter, I explained the situation. She said, “Just tell everyone Jesus loves them and is always there for them because not everyone knows that.” Such a simple statement, but with such powerful words. 

There have been so many recent instances when I found myself so encouraged witnessing my daughter’s faith grow! In the past year, I watched her prayers go from simple childlike prayers to really going to battle prayers. Night after night, she prays for her family, her friends and to those in need. She prays for a cure for cancer and empty animal shelters. She prays for healing and for people by name. It’s so encouraging to see her step into her faith and have such a personal relationship with the Lord. She is fully confident that He hears her prayers and will answer them.  

Her words are a reminder of the importance of nurturing our children’s spiritual foundations and equipping them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges through the lens of faith.

The Bible emphasizes the sacred responsibility we bear as parents to instill the teachings of the Lord in our children. Psalm 78:5-8 tells us to “make known to the children to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done… so that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but comply with His commandments”. (NASB). 

Similarly, Deuteronomy 6:7-9 instructs, “teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (NKJV).

In a world of social media and internet, our kids see material possessions and fleeting pleasures glorified. It is our duty to remind them that their true identity lies not in the things of this world, but in their relationship with Christ. As we witness the growth of our children’s relationship with the Lord, we are reminded of the profound impact our guidance and example can have on them. 

How am I praying? How am I talking to others? How am I reacting when I’m sitting at those train tracks being inconvenienced? I’m not saying we have to be perfect. That’s not possible. 

While the challenges of the world may seem daunting, we must not lose hope or surrender to fear. Instead, we must remain faithful in our commitment to Biblical truth and unwavering in our decision to put Jesus first…in everything! Our kids are watching, learning from our actions, and drawing strength from our resilience. It’s up to us, as parents, to equip them with the proper tools to navigate life with faith, with wisdom, and with courage! 

I encourage every one of us all to not shy from this responsibility but to be bold! By showing them our commitment to Jesus and reminding them of His love for them, we provide them an unshakable foundation upon which to build their lives. 

Amy Spicer is Communications Manager at Koinonia Church. She can be reached at or 559-582-1528.