The Heart Follows Actions I heard these words years ago from a dear friend and I’ve never forgotten them. We were talking about doing hard things that we didn’t...
Forget your Resolutions I must admit I’m not big on New Year resolutions. Most of the time, this trend is cliche and shallow. Not to mention, most resolutions...
Press Ahead with Purpose Just the other day, I was doing some spring cleaning—yes, I do spring cleaning in December because, why not. I came across a quilt that...
You Don’t HAVE To I was 21 when we had our first born son. We didn’t have much money. My husband and I were both in school and working hourly jobs on our...
Don’t Miss Out! Tis the season of blackout sales and deals you can’t miss! Is anyone else tired of the flood of emails and the constant advisements...
Beyond the Christmas Comparison Trap As the Christmas season is in full swing, I find myself appreciating what a special place Hanford is at Christmas. It is truly magical. I...
Healing Old Wounds Scripture encourages us to honor our mother and father. While this guidance offers a framework for family relationships, it can feel...
Sometimes We Get It Wrong How many of you have heard people say they would never go to church because Christians are judgmental and hypocritical? As someone who...
Two Tables The holiday season is here, bringing with it numerous invitations to Friendsgiving, family Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas parties...