Words “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored...
The Sacred Space of Waiting One of my favorite scriptures on the subject of waiting is found in Isaiah 40:29-31. “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no...
Stay The Course! Staying the course through life’s trials and tribulations is a universal challenge we all face. Whether it’s navigating...
Times of Trouble This world has many ups and downs. We look to the Lord to be our strength. We look to the Lord to give us the things we need to press on....
People Matter People Matter is a value at Koinonia Church. People Matter is a value of mine. But more importantly, People Matter is a value of...
Feed the Tree We have a pretty large tree in our front yard that, after some inspection, we suspected had some termite damage. After a few seconds of...
A Heart of Flesh Have you ever felt you needed to protect or defend yourself? Have you done things that have brought you shame or guilt? Have others said or...
Finding Purpose God cares more about who you are becoming than what you do. ‘Purpose’ is a big topic in life. We all want to know what we are to do...
I Spoke Well I recently read some books…great literature. The words used in them were so amazing that they brought entire worlds to life. Words have...