The Heart Follows Actions I heard these words years ago from a dear friend and I’ve never forgotten them. We were talking about doing hard things that we didn’t...
Forget your Resolutions I must admit I’m not big on New Year resolutions. Most of the time, this trend is cliche and shallow. Not to mention, most resolutions...
Press Ahead with Purpose Just the other day, I was doing some spring cleaning—yes, I do spring cleaning in December because, why not. I came across a quilt that...
You Don’t HAVE To I was 21 when we had our first born son. We didn’t have much money. My husband and I were both in school and working hourly jobs on our...
Don’t Miss Out! Tis the season of blackout sales and deals you can’t miss! Is anyone else tired of the flood of emails and the constant advisements...
Beyond the Christmas Comparison Trap As the Christmas season is in full swing, I find myself appreciating what a special place Hanford is at Christmas. It is truly magical. I...
Healing Old Wounds Scripture encourages us to honor our mother and father. While this guidance offers a framework for family relationships, it can feel...
Sometimes We Get It Wrong How many of you have heard people say they would never go to church because Christians are judgmental and hypocritical? As someone who...
Two Tables The holiday season is here, bringing with it numerous invitations to Friendsgiving, family Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas parties...
Two Responses I have been saved for a total of 3 decades now. Three whole decades! That’s chump change compared to some of the leaders in the faith...
Learning to Pray Have you ever heard someone pray and it seemed different? It didn’t seem to come from their head but somewhere deeper. In the Gospel...
Be THAT person! Recently, while praying, the Lord prompted me to begin encouraging my husband again. He then said, ‘You were becoming an encourager and...
Being Poor in Spirit In the Beatitudes, Jesus preached, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.” (Matt 5:3-10) This...
Stand Firm and Shine Bright In today’s world, things are increasingly marked by chaos and uncertainty. The call to stand firm in our faith is as important as ever....
Journey of Gratitude Recently, I had the opportunity to take a trip to Veracruz, Mexico—a place that holds deep significance for me as it is where I was born....
God is Always on Time A few days ago, I was taking our School of Ministry class through the book of Exodus. As we went through the book, we began discussing one...
RESTORED! John 4:14 says, “…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; the water that I will give him will become...
Setting the Scene As a family, we have acquired some favorite places to eat and share a meal together. If you were to ask my children their favorite spot, it...
Words “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored...
The Sacred Space of Waiting One of my favorite scriptures on the subject of waiting is found in Isaiah 40:29-31. “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no...
Stay The Course! Staying the course through life’s trials and tribulations is a universal challenge we all face. Whether it’s navigating...
Times of Trouble This world has many ups and downs. We look to the Lord to be our strength. We look to the Lord to give us the things we need to press on....
People Matter People Matter is a value at Koinonia Church. People Matter is a value of mine. But more importantly, People Matter is a value of...
Feed the Tree We have a pretty large tree in our front yard that, after some inspection, we suspected had some termite damage. After a few seconds of...
A Heart of Flesh Have you ever felt you needed to protect or defend yourself? Have you done things that have brought you shame or guilt? Have others said or...
Finding Purpose God cares more about who you are becoming than what you do. ‘Purpose’ is a big topic in life. We all want to know what we are to do...
I Spoke Well I recently read some books…great literature. The words used in them were so amazing that they brought entire worlds to life. Words have...
Navigating Grief with Faith and Family Life has a way of taking unexpected turns and throwing us random curveballs. After overcoming a particularly rough patch in my life, I...
Lines in the Sand This has been a week of God connecting some dots for me. This time it’s on two things: concern for others and guarding territory. These...
The World Needs Who You Were Created To Be If you were to pause and think about those in your life who have encouraged you, it might be an educator, neighbor, Sunday School teacher,...