Why Missions?
We believe missions fulfill the Great Commission commanded by Jesus. The call to make disciples locally and globally.
Acts 1:8 calls us “to the ends of the earth”. Practically speaking we know we are not all called to go live in Africa, but some are.
- The call to missions is fulfilled through the mantra Pray, Give, and Go.
- We are to pray for the nations, we are to support and give generously to building God’s kingdom worldwide, and we are called go to the ends of the earth.
- Missions help connect us to what is going on in the world and to see the bigger picture of God’s kingdom.
- Seeing what is happening in another context and in our local community creates the opportunity to gain new perspective and inspiration to serve and love Him more.
How We Partner?
How do we decide to who to support?
With so many wonderful ministries and missionaries, it is impossible to support them all! Some years ago, our staff and elder board identified four guiding principles for missions support.
We want to partner with GOSPEL- CENTERED people and organizations that focus on the following:
Building the Church
Koinonia partners with other ministries to plant churches and train a new generation of leaders.
Koinonia partners with other ministries and missionaries to feed the hungry, and care for orphans and widows.
Koinonia partners with other ministries and missionaries with the goal of building long term relationships and hosting teams.
Reaching the Lost
Koinonia partners with other ministries who are reaching to those that don't know Jesus. The goal of Missions and Outreach is to go to the "ends of the earth" and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Looking Ahead...
Further Still Missions Banquet
In 2023 the Lord spoke clearly to the Leadership at Koinonia and confirmed that we had further to go with Missions and Outreach. So, we rolled up our sleeves and began pursuing this more deeply.
Last year we pioneered our first-ever Missions Banquet, Further Still!
Through this shift of direction and obedience, we believe Koinonia’s heart for missions will continue to grow.
The heart behind the banquet is intended to equip our church to serve the missions field and missionaries better and honor those who have given their lives to the missions field.
Join us for a semi-formal night with our special guests, Kent and Mary Alice Martin, leaders of Betel Ministries in the UK. We have planned a beautiful dinner, a celebration of missions and of those who have been on the field. We want to focus on the Lord’s heart for the world and commit to the work ahead.
Saturday, April 5th at 6pm at Koinonia Church · $75 per person All proceeds support Missions
Short-Term Missions Orientation
Why We Give To Missions?
Generosity is the fruit of proper Biblical understanding of ownership. I’m convinced by the psalmist words, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”.
God is the source, provider, creator, and owner.
Understanding this truth is the first principle in handling our money well. Our role isn’t to “give back” to God but manage the resources He asked us to invest for His Kingdom’s sake.
We give at Koinonia Church because we know God is expecting a return according to the story of the talents in Matthew 25. We give to invest in the Kingdom-building ministries He set before us.
I believe when you give; ‘you are saying to God, you’re in charge, God, and everything I have is available to You for Your Kingdom.’
Missions Giving
The new Seva Center is up and running in Manubolu, India!

Missions Trip Application
Concerned About Going on a Trip?
Here are a few things to put your mind at ease.
Don't let the fear or worry about not knowing what to say or do prevent you from going on a trip. As a team we prepare beforehand to make sure we can control all of the controllable's.
Team Building
We will not send you out into the Missions field with a bunch of strangers. We will have multiple team meetings before the trip to get to know each other and build team chemistry.
You will not fundraise alone! We know that finances are a big hurdle. We have seen God show up time and time again! It will be hard work but you will be filled with the generosity of the church family, help from your fellow team members, and the grace of God.
Local Partners
Click on any of the links below to learn more about each organization, sign up for their newsletter updates, or get involved.