The Heart Follows Actions I heard these words years ago from a dear friend and I’ve never forgotten them. We were talking about doing hard things that we didn’t...
Sometimes We Get It Wrong How many of you have heard people say they would never go to church because Christians are judgmental and hypocritical? As someone who...
Be THAT person! Recently, while praying, the Lord prompted me to begin encouraging my husband again. He then said, ‘You were becoming an encourager and...
A Heart of Flesh Have you ever felt you needed to protect or defend yourself? Have you done things that have brought you shame or guilt? Have others said or...
Lines in the Sand This has been a week of God connecting some dots for me. This time it’s on two things: concern for others and guarding territory. These...
Perfect Peace One week, I was facing a number of deadlines and tasks. My schedule is always full, but always manageable. This particular week, for some...
Assumptions and Judgment When I think about the times that I got something completely wrong, it was usually because I made a false assumption. I remember asking...
Rhythm of Prayer I recently met with a young woman who had just begun to follow Jesus. Her hunger to follow Jesus well and learn more was encouraging and...
What’s your hurry? “If the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.” stated Corrie ten Boom, author and Holocaust advocate. Dallas Willard,...