Speaking life into our days I was recently told by a dear friend that I have the gift of encouragement. It was so touching to know that I’d been able to help her...
PEACE So often we find ourselves overwhelmed, tired, and in pain. We ask how we got there and how God can get us out of it. It’s a hard road,...
Stewarding faith Faith is key in Christianity. In the book of Hebrews, it says it is impossible to please God without faith. From the outside looking in,...
The power of vulnerability In a world that is social media obsessed, it is so easy for us to hide behind the images we create and not put on display what is affecting...
Contentment or Complacency? Jesus wants us to live a content life found in the salvation of Christ. He doesn’t want us to worry or chase after the things of this...
Patience with the Process When it comes to how you are growing, what are you praying for? For me, it’s always patience, humility, and grace with others. Sometimes...
The Quiet Place If you’ve hung around church long enough, you have probably heard of “the quiet place”, “prayer closet”, “devotional time”...
Have the Right Spirit I believe there are plenty of things to be afraid of today – changes in our education system, distant wars, and rising prices of...
Psalms 51 Psalm 51:10-13 has become such a fundamental part of my life, I have long since memorized it and let it sink deeply into my heart. These...